Robert Love

Dr. Joaquin Alvarez

Position: Director or Academic Research at RMA -Advisory. Researcher and professor at UAB, Community Engagement Director of Leading Cities Member of ICRAC

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Dr. Joaquin Alvarez Bio

Dr. Joaquin Alvarez holds a Ph.D. in global law and human security with a specialization in the relations between society and technology. He also holds a Master's degree in International Relations with a specialization in Peace and Security Studies from IBE, as well as a postgraduate degree in Project Management from the Center of High Academic Studies of the Organization of Ibero-American States.

He serves as a professor and researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and is a member of the Board of Directors of Catedra Manuel Ballbe. Dr. Alvarez is a leading researcher in the field of Technology Studies. He also plays a crucial role as the Community Engagement Director of Leading Cities. Among his notable publications, "Cities in Crisis: The Absent Civilization: Society and Technology in the Age of Uncertainty" stands out.


  • Research Director, RMA Advisory (Sep 2022 - Present):
    • Dr. Alvarez currently serves as the Research Director at RMA Advisory in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • Member Board of Directors, Cátedra Manuel Ballbé - Seguridad Humana y Derecho Global (Dec 2021 - Present):
    • He is also a part-time member of the Board of Directors at Cátedra Manuel Ballbé in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
  • Associate Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Jan 2019 - Present):
    • Dr. Alvarez has been an associate professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona for over four years.
  • Community Engagement Director, Leading Cities (Feb 2022 - Present):
    • He currently holds the position of Community Engagement Director at Leading Cities in Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
  • Campaigner - Spain Coordination, Campaign to Stop Killer Robots (Mar 2018 - Jan 2023):
    • Dr. Alvarez has actively contributed to the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, working towards banning fully autonomous weapons and retaining meaningful human control over the use of force.
  • Researcher, European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT) (May 2021 - Sep 2022):
    • He worked as a researcher at ENAAT in Brussels, Belgium.
  • Researcher and Professor, Escola de Prevenció i Seguretat Integral (EPSI) (May 2013 - Jul 2021):
    • Dr. Alvarez held a research and professorship position at EPSI.
  • Freelance Writer, Fundació Revista de Catalunya (Jul 2014 - Jun 2021):
    • He contributed as a freelance writer for Fundació Revista de Catalunya in Barcelona.
  • Ethical Advisor, The Social Coin (Jun 2017 - Sep 2019):
    • Dr. Alvarez served as an Ethical Advisor at The Social Coin in Barcelona, Spain.
  • Key Note Speaker - AI for Good 2018, International Telecommunication Union (May 2018):
    • He was a Keynote Speaker at the AI for Good event organized by the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Visiting Professor, Various Universities:
    • Dr. Alvarez has been a Visiting Professor at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Avans Hogeschool, Universitat de Barcelona, and other institutions.
  • Researcher and Editor, United Explanations (Jan 2012 - Sep 2014):
    • He contributed as a researcher and editor, specializing in Peace and Security Studies, at United Explanations in Barcelona.
  • Researcher, Centre de Recerca en Governança del Risc (GRISC) (May 2011 - May 2014):
    • Dr. Alvarez was a researcher at GRISC, focusing on risk governance and management.
  • Research Collaborator, Asko Europa Stiftung (Jun 2009 - Oct 2012):
    • He collaborated with Asko Europa Stiftung, promoting science, research, and education in Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • Community Manager, Plataforma per la Llengua (Jul 2009 - Sep 2011):
    • Dr. Alvarez managed online communities and conducted social media marketing and research activities.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Risk Governance, Science and Technology Studies, Philosophy of Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2012 - 2015):
    • Dr. Alvarez earned his Ph.D. with distinction in the field of philosophy of science and law.
  • Postgraduate, Project Design and Management, Centro de Altos Estudios Universitarios de la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (2010):
    • He completed a postgraduate program in project design and management.
  • MA, International Relations, Peace and Security Studies, Islam and Politics, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (2007 - 2008):
    • Dr. Alvarez earned his Master's degree with a specialty in Peace and Security Studies.
  • Licentiate Degree, Business Management and Tourism, Universidad de Oviedo (2004 - 2008):
    • He holds a degree in Business Management and Tourism.

Licenses & Certifications

  • Congress Communication "I Congreso Iberoamericano de Turísmo y Responsabilidad Social" (Universidade da Coruña, Oct 2016):
    • Dr. Alvarez presented a communication on responsible tourism.
  • Critical Thinking in Global Challenges (Coursera):
    • He completed a course in critical thinking in global challenges.


  • Leading Cities (Apr 2010 - Present)
    • Dr. Alvarez has been associated with Leading Cities, an organization with a mission to bring together civic, business, and academic leaders from cities worldwide to create sustainable social change through policy research and the development and implementation of best practice solutions to common urban challenges.
  • Dialogue Franco Allemand 2013 (May 2013 - Jun 2014)
    • Associated with Asko Europa Stiftung, this project aims to provide a platform for discussions about the future of Europe, consolidating innovative and productive Franco-German and European dialogues beyond the governmental level.
  • Europa nur mit uns (Mar 2012 - Jun 2014)
    • Associated with Asko Europa Stiftung, this project focuses on democracy and political involvement in Europe, particularly among young European citizens. It explores the challenges and solutions for active political participation.
  • Revista Hipótesis: Con-textos de Inteligencia Competitiva (Jan 2013 - Jun 2014)
    • Associated with Centre de Recerca en Governança del Risc (GRISC), this project involves the creation of a digital magazine called "Hipótesis," which aims to make Competitive Intelligence accessible to the general public. Industry experts share knowledge and insights in this magazine.
  • Dialogue Franco-Allemand 2011 (May 2011)
    • Associated with Asko Europa Stiftung, this project continues the tradition of providing a forum for discussions about the future of Europe, fostering productive Franco-German and European dialogues.


  • Volunteer at Human Resources - Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) (May 2008 - Oct 2008)
    • Dr. Alvarez volunteered in disaster and humanitarian relief with Médecins Sans Frontières, an international medical humanitarian organization that provides assistance to people in crisis situations.
  • Junta Territorial - Òmnium Cultural (Jun 2010 - Jan 2019)
    • Dr. Alvarez volunteered with Òmnium Cultural, an independent association dedicated to defending and promoting the language, culture, and national identity of Catalonia.
  • Volunteer teacher - Comissió Catalana d'Ajuda al Refugiat (Jun 2009 - Oct 2009)
    • Dr. Alvarez volunteered as a teacher with the Catalan Commission for Refugee Aid, focusing on human rights and asylum.

Dr. Alvarez possesses a diverse skill set, including team building, order management, data analysis, research, international relations, policy analysis, politics, divergent thinking, political science, proposal writing, management, Spanish, strategic communications, international development, investigative research, analysis, European Union, French, nonprofits, qualitative research, human rights, leadership, international humanitarian law, international organizations, writing, team leadership, project management, contract negotiation, and new business development.

Daniel Mundet, who previously worked with Joaquin, has provided a recommendation highlighting Joaquin's significant contributions to communication strategy and research projects. He commends Joaquin's potential to excel in future roles.


  • Liderazgo Jurídico: Crisis Internacional del gas y su impacto en la descarbonización del sector eléctrico (Wolters Kluwer, Jun 10, 2022)
  • Fanning the Flames: How the European Union is fuelling a new arms race (TNI, Mar 17, 2022)
    • At the time of writing in March 2022, a war had broken out in eastern Europe following the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops. Towards the end of 2021, unrest in the Balkans came close to boiling point. Tensions in the South China Sea continue to simmer and threaten regional and global stability. Wars and violence continue in Afghanistan, in Central Africa, Iraq, several countries across the Sahel, Syria, and Yemen among other countries and regions experiencing constant violence and consequent displacement. Some of the world’s most powerful nations are saber-rattling, drafting and deploying troops, stockpiling military materiel, and actively preparing for war – including the European Union (EU) and some of its member states. Contrary to the EU’s founding principle of promoting peace, it too has been charting a course to establish itself as a global military power. History has shown, however, that far from contributing to stability and peace, militarism fuels tension, instability, destruction, and devastation.
    • In a ‘watershed moment,’ in response to the war in Ukraine, the EU announced that it would, for the first time, fund and supply lethal weapons to a country under attack through the European Peace Facility (EPF). While this move is unprecedented, it is not unexpected. The EU has been pursuing a military path since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, which provides the legal underpinning to create a common security and defense policy. Less than a decade later, in a new point of departure, the EU created specific budget lines to allocate funding to military-related projects. This decision firmly set the EU on a new and deeply worrying trajectory, where international political and social problems were to be addressed not only through dialogue and diplomacy but also through the threat of military solutions.
  • Digitalización de la guerra, lo humano, el arte y los espacios urbanos y productivos (Jan 3, 2022)
    • La humanidad está cada vez más inmersa en un contexto donde la tecnología, sobre todo la digital, está más presente en el conjunto de nuestras actividades sociales, políticas, económicas y personales. En las últimas décadas, la tecnología digital ha transitado, abruptamente, de ser un instrumento que potencializa la fuerza y capacidades humanas a estar desplazando a la humanidad e influyendo en sus decisiones y acciones.
    • Por lo anterior, es urgente el impulso de abordajes que cuestionen las implicaciones de la sociedad digital en construcción, planteando sus alcances, pero también poniendo en la discusión los riesgos. El presente libro se propone analizar desde diversas posiciones críticas las estrategias tecnológicas predominantes, reconociendo sus potencialidades, pero también poniendo alerta en los riesgos que se estarían gestando. Toma como hilos conductores de esta discusión algunos de los ámbitos donde la sociedad digital se está desarrollando con particular dinamismo, como la guerra, la salud y el arte y la digitalización de los espacios urbanos y productivos.
  • Guerra Trans-especie: Animales en Conflicto Humano (Revista de Derecho Animal, Sep 15, 2020)
    • A través del presente artículo se pretende realizar una aproximación desde el anarquismo-verde, como marco teórico, a la utilización/explotación de animales en conflicto bélico, así como al proceso que desemboca en una militarización de los mismos. Mostrando la guerra como un fenómeno inter/intra-especies, donde los animales han sido y son hoy en día utilizados como armas y medios para conseguir objetivos de tipo militar/terrorista.
    • El presente artículo aboga en última instancia por la elaboración de mecanismos legales vinculantes a nivel internacional que prohíban el uso de animales en la guerra y garantice la protección de los mismos como víctimas colaterales del conflicto.
  • Tecnología y deshumanización: hacia la tercera revolución de la guerra (CEIPAZ, May 22, 2020)
    • This article aims to explore the relations between society and technology, through the risks and side effects that some technological sets have over our system. Through the case of Lethal Autonomous systems, we will analyze some social and legal challenges that not only could condition future developments of AI, but also alert us about the lack of regulation of an area of development that can be critical for the future of our species.
    • In a world where technology has the ability to shape our perception of reality, it's necessary to open debates about its future and the future of humanity itself. The rise of nonhuman intelligent actors can be critical for the comprehension of the human, but also of the pillars of our system.
  • The Dark Side of Artificial Intelligence (IDEES, May 7, 2020)
  • Novel Weapons Against Ethics and People (Centre Delàs d'estudis per la Pau, Nov 20, 2019)
    • Military and “security” actions with military robotic and armed systems have radically changed the war scenarios, which have evolved from concentrating on military and strategic targets to performing attacks that can seriously affect uninvolved civilian populations.
    • Lately, in addition, military drones are evolving to incorporate autonomous systems of decision. This escalation towards autonomous armed systems is ethically and legally unacceptable because delegating in a machine the decision to kill is something that goes against the human dignity and the rights of people.
  • Social challenges of Artificial Intelligence: The case of Lethal Autonomous Systems (Journal of Law - Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Jun 1, 2019)
    • Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform our society in a way that is still difficult to predict but whose implications are going to be deeper than previous technological developments.
    • This article will present some of the main problems attached to the technology that underlines the urgent need for regulation and a deeper analysis about its potential ramifications.
  • Towards a new AI race. The challenge of lethal autonomous weapons systems (Laws) for the United Nations (Aranzadi -Thomson-Reuters, Apr 15, 2019)
    • The rise of a new kind of warfare where autonomous machines will be entitled with lethal capacities being able to select, and even eliminate targets without meaningful human control it’s a scenario that doesn’t belong anymore to science fiction. A technological rise that has been creating the basis for a new arms race that can erode the fragile peace we live in.
    • And whose first symptoms are beginning to manifest by the hand of drones, even the civilian ones as recently experienced in British airports, which can easily disrupt the activity of critical infrastructures generating chaos. Machines that even will be able to evolve into Killer Robots by performing critical tasks through the assumption of lethal capacities, whose degree of autonomy and meaningful human control are some of the key aspects that we will explore in the present book as well as its ethical and legal impacts.
  • Inteligencia artificial y armas letales autónomas. Un nuevo reto para Naciones Unidas (Trea, Nov 12, 2018)
    • En la actualidad, el desarrollo vertiginoso de distintas aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial representa por igual una oportunidad y una seria amenaza para la humanidad.
    • A juicio de los autores de este ensayo, urge desempolvar, revisar e incluso acrecentar el doble arsenal regulatorio de la ética y el derecho a fin de embridar este caballo desbocado antes de que sea demasiado tarde; y en este ensayo exponen cómo hacerlo desde la convicción de que debe ser la Organización de las Naciones Unidas quien lidere la regulación y eventual prohibición de la investigación y aplicación de estas tecnologías.
  • Technological Wars and the military future of AI (IJERMT, Feb 10, 2018)
    • This article aims to explore the relations between society and technology, through the risks and side effects that some technological sets have over our system. Through the case of Lethal Autonomous systems, we will analyze some social and legal challenges that not only could condition future developments of AI, but also alert us about the lack of regulation of an area of development that can be critical for the future of our species.
    • In a world were technology has the ability to shape our perception of reality, its necessary to open debates about its future, and the future of humanity itself. The rise of nonhuman intelligent actors can be critical for the comprehension of the human, but also of the pillars of our system.
  • La civilización Ausente; Tecnología y sociedad en la era de la incertidumbre (Trea, Mar 1, 2016)
    • La tecnología, entendida como la totalidad de nuestra cultura material, ha desempeñado un rol fundamental en nuestro desarrollo desde los orígenes de nuestra especie.
    • Esta obra se configura, por tanto, como un viaje a través de un universo cambiante, de tiempos y espacios diferentes donde el principal hilo conductor se estructura a partir de las nociones de cambio e incerteza. Este trabajo pretende introducir al lector en uno de los mayores retos del siglo xxi, tal y como es la gobernanza del sistema tecnocientífico y su vinculación a un nuevo paradigma cultural y antropológico.
  • Vivir Europa. Europa en la Escuela (Ediuno - Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, Jul 1, 2013)
    • Hoy en día todos damos por descontado que estamos integrados en Europa, pero casi nadie imagina hasta qué punto el diseño actual de nuestra sociedad depende de ella.
  • Jeder für sich oder alle gemeinsam in Europa? Die Debatte über Identität, Wohlstand und die institutionellen Grundlagen der Union (Nomos ISBN 978-3-8487-0017-2, Jan 17, 2013)
    • Europaskeptizismus in den Gründerstaaten, neofaschistische Bewegungen an den Rändern, zu allem entschlossene Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen in einigen Regionen – wie hängt dies alles in der EU zusammen, und welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus?
    • Das Werk ist Teil der Reihe Denkart Europa. Schriften zur europäischen Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur, Band 20.
  • “Europa der Staaten und Schwächung der Europäischen Kommission: Wie sieht die institutionelle Wirklichkeit aus?” In Jeder für sich oder alle gemeinsam in Europa? (Nomos, 2012, Jan 2, 2013)
    • Titre de l'article en français : "L'Europe des Etats, le déclin de la Commission européenne : quelle réalité institutionnelle ?"
  • Migration and Integration in Europa (NOMOS-Verlag ISBN 3-8329-5664-6, Jul 1, 2009)
    • Migration and integration – an issue shared by the EU Member States, which raises different questions and provides different answers throughout the Union.
  • La encrucijada de la civilización capitalista (Claridad / UGT, May 1, 2009)
  • Cities in Crisis Socio-spatial impacts of the economic crisis in Southern European cities (Routledge)
    • In recent years, European societies and territories have witnessed the spatial impacts of a severe financial and socio-economic crisis. This book builds on the current debate concerning how cities and urban regions and their citizens deal with the consequences of the recent financial and socio-economic crisis.
    • Cities in Crisis examines the political and administrative implications of austerity measures applied in southern European cities. These include cuts in local public spending and the processes of privatization of local public assets, as well as issues related to the re-scaling, recentralization or decentralization of competencies. Attention is paid to the rise of new ‘austerity regimes’, the question of their legitimacy and their spatial manifestations, and in particular to the social consequences of austerity.
    • The contributions to this book lay the foundation for recommendations on how to improve and consolidate qualified governance arrangements in order to better address rapid economic and social changes. Such recommendations are applicable to cities and urban regions both within and outside of Europe. It identifies possible approaches, tools, and partnerships to tackle the effects of the crisis and to prepare European cities for future challenges.


  • Conference "Living Europe"
    • Oviedo 10-11 Dec. 2012
  • Critical Thinking in Global Challenges
    • University of Edinburgh
  • Jornada Internacional: "La intuïció no és suficient. Innovació basada en evidències: el paper de l'avaluació i dels experiments socials"
    • Barcelona 26 Sep. 2013
  • Mixed Methods workshop
    • Amsterdam 3-4 July 2012

Honors & Awards

  • Best Book of the Year 2016
    • Issued by Regional Studies Association · Nov 2016
  • Cum Laude
    • Jul 2015
  • Associated with Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


  • International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC)
    • Member of the Committee · Feb 2018 - Present
    • ICRAC is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) composed of experts in various fields concerned about the dangers posed by military robots to peace and international security. The organization aims to advocate for the regulation and control of these systems to prevent potential harm to humanity.
  • Associated with Leading Cities
    • Leading Cities is a global network of cities, businesses, and institutions focused on driving sustainable urban development and fostering innovation in cities worldwide. It brings together various stakeholders to address urban challenges and promote smart city solutions.

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